June 16, 2021

Coin Locker Girl: Momma Loves You Something Fierce

Most bibliophiles agree: You can't judge a book by its cover. But can you judge it by its title? On this front, the readers have been generally quiet. Somewhat related, I've been putting off watching Coin Locker Girl for years because that damned title seemed so odd, so stupid. Plus, the accompanying capsule synopsis didn't start off that promising: "A newborn girl is placed in a coin operated locker in the subway station..." Oh, really? Need I go on? Well, apparently, I should. For while the life of crime that lies ahead for our dear "coin girl" is hardly unexpected, the hyperviolent stops along the way are repeatedly thrilling. (I swear gun laws would make for better movies only because the knife is so much more intense.)

Given her unfortunate circumstances, her outcome could be tragic or heroic. As it turns, it was a bit of both. For Il-young (Kim Go-eun), the titular antiheroine, is doomed to succeed. Raised first on the streets then later by a ice-hearted gang moll (a sensational Kim Hye-su), this tomboy finds her romantic awakening with an indebted chef (Park Bo-gum) tests the limits of tolerance for the collection agency which is her family. Han Jun-hee's nasty noir is a survival of the fittest in which the sisterhood reigns supreme. The men in Coin Locker Girl may vie to be king of the hill but the only viable threat to the queen is the princess who finally put on her first dress. Throats will be punctured. Heads will be bashed. Eyes will be gouged. And the final showdown won't be one of triumph so much as an inevitable continuation of the old tune "The king must die! Long live the king!" This time around, though, it's for the ladies.

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